Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Let's try this AGAIN!! :) HAHA this time I think I'm serious! I'd really love to be an aweome blogger...but so far I have for lack of better words SUCKED! haha that we have ONE on the way! I feel like it will be more fun to write about all the new things that will be happening over the next 6ish months!! And of course from there on out! Let the craziness begin! Cody and I seriously can't wait to meet our little baby!! Almost everyday my anticipation grows more and more...what will they look like...what will they be like...are they going to be kind....are we going to be the bestest of friends...yadda yadda! But truly I just cannot wait to meet them! :) YEAH FOR A BABYYY!!

So today we had our first real doctors visit and we got to see and hear the fast and powerful heartbeat! I was suprised how clear I could hear the for the seeing and knowing what is going on...I know where the head is, but everything else...doesn't really look like much! But it is!!! And the dr. knew exactly what everything was and said everything is good and healthy!! The baby is almost 2inches long which is fun to think about since not too long ago it was only the size of a blueberry!

Its crazy to think how fast they will grow...and continue to grow. I don't know what it is but to me time just FLIES! and it seems to only go faster and faster. Which in most ways I guess is a good thing. I just really have to remember to SLOW down and enjoy the little things. And I'm hoping the mindset will help me as a mom. When the house is a disater and so and so is bugging so and so and...the other so and so's are cutting eachothers hair! haha I seriously CAN NOT wait for all those days!!! where all you can do is love them and laugh!! maybe join in the bugging and cutting hair! haha who knows!

I am so... GRATEFUL for my own beautiful beautifl mother (whom i love and miss like crazy right now...but that's beside the point...) who has taught me and somehow continues to teach when to laugh.

But...since I got on the subject of my mom! I'd like to share right now i'm working on my dad's Christmas gift which is a family scrapbook of all us kids. And it has been a lot of fun gathering up pictures and doing some written interviews with my brothers and sisters. (it is sooo crazy what some remember) But yesterday was the actual first day of me sitting down and putting the pictures on some scrapbooking paper trying to make them a simple but as cute as possible. And so far I think I am doing pretty good. I started withTucker yesterday and it was just a really sweet moment cause I have a picture of my mom right on the craft desk (cause she is my crafting inspiration) and I was just at a lost for words...not really sure what to write on the pages so...I just looked at her and it was like she began to remind me of the (ok...i'm about to cry, but i'm at work so I can't) but...she just reminded me of the special relationship Tucker and her had...he was her shadow (we all were but...him the most) she couldn't walk by him without him wanting a HUG! he loved his momma's hugs! And I was reminded of how they'd go back in forth saying things like..."I love you more than all the M&M's in the world" and she say back something like "I love you more than all the sand in the world" and they'd just go on and on. And if I remember right...this mostly accured in her bed where we'd all pile in to snuggle with her. What a precious memory!!! I LOVE IT! and I hope as I continue to work on this book that i'll be blessed with more.

So I think this is why I'm not the best "BLOGGER"...haha I can't stay on track when writing things if you paid me....Oh well!!!

Well I have to get back to work! But...its been fun! haha :) I hope I can get more consistent!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for blogging again! I love to read your blog and follow blogs! That's so exciting that you got to hear your baby's heart beat today! That's so fun! I'm so excited for you guys! You're going to love being pregnant and having a little baby! I'm so happy for y'all :)
