Monday, September 27, 2010

Look at me being consistent!! hahaha

Welp I thought I better just keep posting little things here and there so I can develope a good blogging habit! :)

Right now I am SICK! :( just with a little cold but...for someone like me who is used to superhuman immune system this is a big thing. I NEVER get sick...well not never, never but...truly I hardly ever get sick but I think my little one is sucking up my superhuman powers and is making me a little weaker. But I guess its worth it. At least my boss is letting me go home after lunch since he heard me hacking up my lungs and almost ralphing...i know gross but its the truth. I had to hand up on someone today cause I had a painful coughing attack. eeehhhh :/ but...i'm sure it will go away soon! I'm just sooo glad I slept so great last night.

Yesterday Cody and I made a delicous dinner and had some wonderful friends come over. We made good ol slow cooker pot roast with some of the tastiest mashed potatoes (i LOVE mashed potatoes...soooo GOOD!) and our friends Missy and Keenen made the BEST peach pie i've ever had. So dang good! The peaches were heavenly! (I seriously get a little too excited about food.)

Speaking of good food! haha... Saturday night we had a girls night before the Women's General Conference and Me, Keena and Libby went out to the Olive Garden! It was soooo delicious and what made it even better was this sweet old man picked up our bill without us knowing! It was sooo awesome! He came up to our table as he was leaving was like like "are you girls sisters" and cute Libby answered "we're sisters in Zion" haha I just chuckled but it was really sweet she told him we were on our way to the conference and he said that's where his wife was. But long story short he totally made our day!! I can't wait till I can afford to do the same for others! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay you posted again :) I usually never get sick ever but when I was preggo I got a stomach virus twice! It sucks... but it is worth it :) I hope we get to see you guys soon!
